Visited a girlfriend of mine who just gave birth to a scrumptious lil’ girl…big shout-out to Ava…welcome baby! When I tickled her chin, her dimples would pop-out…too adorable! As for mom, doing phenomenal, couldn’t ask for a better delivery.
Although, baby and mom are doing well, it’s important for mom and anyone recovering from any post-operative condition, to nourish their energy (Qi) and blood. Surgery is literally a lot of work for the person lying on the operating table; it’s stressful on the body, and blood loss may occur as well as energy loss. A great way to enable the healing process to be smoother and quicker is to eat foods warm or neutral in chemistry. These foods strengthen the body’s constitution as well as allow the body to do what it does best, heal itself.
White rice is neutral in chemistry and when well-cooked or made into a soup has the amazing quality of strengthening one’s energy, nourishing the digestive system, and warming the body. Oatmeal makes for a perfect first-meal when coming out of surgery; it strengthens the immune system, prevents infections, and is also warming to the body.
For those who enjoy eating raw fruits and vegetables, unfortunately, for the meantime make sure all foods are cooked; steam, boil, stir-fry, stew, bake. Raw foods consume a lot of the body’s energy and warmth, and take longer to digest. Avoid cold beverages, especially putting ice cubes in your drink; this generates a cold internal body temperature which slows down a healing process.
There’s all whole range of foods that fall in the categories of cold, warm, and neutral. Please, shoot me an email anytime for all questions; even the slightest ponder… halla back! I want the community of planet earth, who undergo surgery, to have a shorter recovery time so that they may return to life’s most precious activity, play!