Eager to get you back to work, play, and life healthier than before!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Feel good Friday! Allow your Qi to flow smoothly throughout your body to provide nourishment and energy by feeling good now!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Summer weather is approaching fast. Add tomato or apple juice to your diet to clear internal heat.This was definitely part of my liquid intake in Haiti; keeps the mind and body cool and peaceful.
Hello community! I love attracting all that is POSITIVE. Sharing love through COMMUNITY service feeds my soul. Bringing HEALTH to others through acupuncture has a special place in my heart. We all have the capacity to offer health to those around us through LOVE. Got questions or comments, shoot me an email at michelle@GentleNeedle.com and visit my website at www.GentleNeedle.com