Been treating a lot of patients recently for stress which the holiday season can bring about. Keep peaceful & joyous by FLUSHING!
Drink plenty of WATER to wash out toxins in the body and cleanse the system. Stress can cause unwanted heat to form in the body, housing itself in our organs and circulatory system, resulting in an energy imbalance. Water serves as a temperature regulator by flushing out the heat and allowing our body’s to function at a balanced temperature.
Our body’s also works best in an aqueous environment allowing for cells to function properly and our muscles to be more supple and agile. Without that watery environment, the body system moves slow and cell performance is low which contributes to the lack of energy and sluggishness we experience all too well especially when preparing for the holiday season.
BREATHING deep, full, & relaxed breathes flushes out emotional toxins. This allows us to exhale our stress and tension, while inhale clean and pure energy. Practicing quality breathing keeps our heart rate at a healthy rhythm allowing our parasympathetic system and sympathetic system to work at balanced levels.
The simple process of drinking 8 glasses of water a day and being mindful of our quality of breath works wonders for living a more calm and relaxed holiday season. Treat yourself to the gift of peace and remember to flush!